Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-04 19:36:35
Exercise Science
Honors Course
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2021
Range of motion is the degree to which joints in the body can extend or flex. This is essential to performing actions such as bending over, reaching, and other daily activities. This study investigated the effects of aquatic versus land exercises on range of motion. It was hypothesized that the participant completing the aquatic exercises would have a greater increase of range of motion. Three male participants were recruited to participate in the study. Each participant was placed into a different group- control, aquatic, or land. The control participant measured their range of motion at the beginning and end of the experiment without modifying anything in their daily life. The aquatic and land-based participants measured their range of motion at the beginning and end of the experiment, while doing exercises in either land or water, whichever group they were in, and stretches over a course of two weeks. The experiment was conducted over a two-week span with participants completing 10 total days of exercises, 5 each week. No face-to-face research was completed due to COVID-19, eliminating personal contact. The data was compiled and examined proving that although the aquatic group increased range of motion, there was no significant difference. This did not support the hypothesis previously stated. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that aquatic exercises will increase range of motion greater than land exercises to a significant amount. Possible modifications to this experiment that could have changed the outcome are increasing sample size and lengthening the duration of the study.
Research Sponsor
Stephanie Davis-Dieringer
First Reader
Renee DeSalvo
Second Reader
Melissa Dreisbach
Honors Faculty Advisor
Rachele Kappler
Recommended Citation
Gibel, Miranda and Lawler, Samantha, "Comparison of Range of Motion After Aquatic vs Land Exercises on Young Adult Men" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1278.
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