
College of Health Professions (CHP)

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 16:49:16


Dietetics - Didactic Program

Honors Course

Sr Honors Proj: Nutr & Diet

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2020


Poverty is a factor that affects many aspects of one’s life. For a student looking to get a bachelor’s degree at a university or college, money is one of the top priorities to look at. The high cost of universities and colleges create financial strain affecting the ability of students to obtain better opportunities. Furthermore, many college students struggling financially come from economically challenged backgrounds. Economic struggles related to college cost, housing and food insecurity can lead to malnourished students as well as high stress levels. Approximately 36% of Univeristy students and 42% of community college students were food insecure according to one study. Unaffordable college dues and living cost impede financially struggling students from completing their college education.They also face a greater risk of non-completion of their degrees.In order to understand the challenges and struggles students in poverty face, it is important to understand the perspectives that fellow students have on the issue. The purpose of the study is to analyze the differences in perspectives on the issue of poverty among college students at the University of Akron between females and males.

Research Sponsor

Pei-Pang Lui

First Reader

Jennifer Warren

Second Reader

Richard Glotzer

Honors Faculty Advisor

Christin Seher



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