Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS)
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 16:45:09
Dance with Business Cognate
Honors Course
7900 498
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2020
Music surrounds us in our daily lives through the radio, social media, and our own personal playlists. Taste in music varies across individuals and cultures, but it is a singular, uniting aspect of society. Music creates connections and meaning that would be lost if the first string of an instrument had not been heard. Creativity is sparked with music which adds to the artistry of cultures and other forms of art.
As music develops artistry, so does dance. Music led movement to begin as dance developed through the centuries. While movement can occur in silence, it becomes more impactful when music is added as another layer to the dance. Dance and music intertwine to create a seamless medium of art that has survived centuries and continues to be traditional and innovative.
The main question guiding my research is how does music and rhythm affect our memory? This question branches into many other objectives, including how memory develops in concern to music and how dance is impacted by this question. From a young age, dancers are taught to count music and how to listen to the elements of music. Does this learning have an impact on a specific portion of the brain or is an overall influence on the entire brain’s development?
Research Sponsor
Jennifer Lehaney
First Reader
Kara Stewart
Second Reader
Rachael Palermo
Honors Faculty Advisor
Marc Reed
Recommended Citation
Bortz, Skyler, "Music on the Brain" (2020). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1211.