
College of Health Professions (CHP)

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 16:19:04


Dietetics - Coordinated Program

Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2020


The purpose of the proposed honors research project is as follows, compare differing perspectives on desired nutrition education topics in relation to oncology; perspectives representing either oncology patients or their family or support systems. A benefit of the research includes the overall results being analyzed and used as a reference for future creation of nutrition programs. Specifically, working with Stewart’s Caring Place, a free-service oncology resource center, in implementing programs with detailed, nutrition curriculum that could be taught and available to their members. Upon an initial meeting with the program director at the center, it was clear, nutrition education was an area that they lacked: but it was requested time after time. Therefore, it was a motivator for the study; working with Stewart’s Caring place in order to provide what is sought-out. Upon voluntary consent, participants will be asked to complete one of two questionnaires (one directed for oncology patients and one directed for their family/support system) and return it to the researcher once completed following nutrition classes presented at Stewart's Caring Place. Both questionnaires have duplicate questions to allow for response comparison and analyzation. Additional data will also be collected, demographics, shopping and cooking history, history of symptoms, etc. Questionnaires will be available for a 4-month time frame and completed by an estimated 20-50 participants. In February, the responses from each designated questionnaire population will be analyzed and compared for beneficial conclusion. Those conclusions will include specific oncology related topics each populations desires to learn in regards to nutrition education with the goal of developing nutrition related programs for Stewart's Caring Place and others like it. Data will also be presented as an academic poster and potentially be showed at different conferences in 2020.

Research Sponsor

Kathy Schupp

First Reader

Michelle Boltz

Second Reader

Christin Seher

Honors Faculty Advisor

Christin Seher



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