Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS)
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 23:31:56
Honors Course
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2020
Technology has been advancing significantly over the years. One area that has been affected is mathematics. Technological software has been developed that has allowed for mathematics to be done using software programs. For example, WebAssign allows students to complete online math homework and example practice problems, as well as watch videos to explain topics in math. However, like all things, this is not without downfalls. While this technology offers students access to online lectures and instant feedback, cheating and costly expenses also come with it.
In this research paper, I will discuss the benefits and shortcomings of different technological software in the area of mathematics in order to determine if it is helpful or a hindrance to learning. I will also conduct surveys for students and professors to gather information about their experiences with this software and their thoughts on its usefulness in math courses. Finally, I will compile all of this information to determine whether or not technological software is valuable to mathematical learning or if it has made people too reliant on technology.
Research Sponsor
Stefan Forcey
First Reader
Curtis Clemons
Second Reader
Mark Fridline
Honors Faculty Advisor
Curtis Clemons
Recommended Citation
Kish, Courtney, "Technological Software in Mathematics" (2020). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1061.