Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS)
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 23:18:12
Intervention Specialist for Moderate/Intensive Educational Needs
Honors Course
5610: 430-001
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2020
Technology in the classroom is supposed to touch on four different aspects of learning, all of which are important for the success of the student. Those components are active engagement, participation, frequent feedback and a connection to the content and to a real world experience (Wallace, Georgina, 2014). These four things can be done through technology. Technology today is far more advanced than it was 30 years ago, especially for kids with special needs. 30 years ago, technology was limited to programs on computers for kids ( Woodward, Rieth, 1997), but today there are things like virtual reality simulators so kids can go anywhere they desire from their classroom (Raskind, Smedley, Higgins, 2005) This paper will cover some of the older technologies used in the classroom, as well as the newer ones and how they impact the children who use them.
Research Sponsor
Alfred Daviso
First Reader
Shernavaz Vakil
Second Reader
Jennifer Zwick
Honors Faculty Advisor
Alfred Daviso
Recommended Citation
Tucker, Kayla, "Technology in the Classroom" (2020). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1037.