
LeBron James Family Foundation College of Education (LJFFCOE)

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 18:39:49


Adolescent to Young Adult - Biology / Earth Science

Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Winter 2019


The purpose of this study was to investigate the preferences of golfers and how those preferences affected their putting. This study involved participants who were golfers with a four-handicap or better taking a survey of their preferences of having the flagstick in and out and then assessing their putting from various distances with the flagstick in and out. The researcher measured the distance of the golf ball away from the hole after it had finished rolling. Then, t-tests were used to compare the data with the flagstick in and flagstick out to determine if there is a significant difference. The results of this research based on p-values of the t-tests indicate that participants who preferred the flagstick out from nine and twelve feet were significantly closer to hole with the flagstick out than with the flagstick in while participants that preferred the flagstick in from nine and twelve feet did not see a significant difference. It is difficult to draw a firm conclusion based on these results, but it is clear that having the flagstick in or out can make a difference on certain putts.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Ronald Otterstetter

First Reader

Dr. Yu-Kuang Hu

Second Reader

Dr. John Zipp

Honors Faculty Advisor

Nidaa Makki



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