IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: They Are Not All Lost & Unarmed

Event Title

They Are Not All Lost & Unarmed


Student Union Theatre

Type of Presentation

50 minute presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, High school parents


Not All Lost Productions presents:

“They Are Not All Lost," is a documentary series hosted by various celebrities; highlighting youth of color determined to achieve success, and the obstacles they encounter along the way.

“Unarmed” is a video essay on the unrest in urban cities due to the non-indictment of police officers accused of killing unarmed black men. Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Akai Gurley, John Crawford.

As the single mother of an African American male, and a filmmaker, I have asked myself and still do: “how can we protect and change the harsh realities all of our sons will face growing up Black in America.” We believe as many of our colleagues do, that the media is a large part of the problem when it comes to creating the negative images of Black Men and Boys. That is why we decided to produce the award-winning documentary “They Are Not All Lost (TANAL).” Then most recently the video essay “Unarmed” detailing many of the images distributed regarding the injustice’s perpetrated upon our men and boys.

We will screen and facilitate a discussion regarding these film shorts.

A 10 minute version of TANAL is at the following link: Trayvon Martin Didn't Die in Vain - Stop Racial profiling This award-winning documentary may have stopped the most recent deadly incident.

The thought provoking link to “Unarmed” is below.

How can anyone view this and not at least wonder, “WHY?”

This document is currently not available here.



They Are Not All Lost & Unarmed

Student Union Theatre

Not All Lost Productions presents:

“They Are Not All Lost," is a documentary series hosted by various celebrities; highlighting youth of color determined to achieve success, and the obstacles they encounter along the way.

“Unarmed” is a video essay on the unrest in urban cities due to the non-indictment of police officers accused of killing unarmed black men. Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Akai Gurley, John Crawford.

As the single mother of an African American male, and a filmmaker, I have asked myself and still do: “how can we protect and change the harsh realities all of our sons will face growing up Black in America.” We believe as many of our colleagues do, that the media is a large part of the problem when it comes to creating the negative images of Black Men and Boys. That is why we decided to produce the award-winning documentary “They Are Not All Lost (TANAL).” Then most recently the video essay “Unarmed” detailing many of the images distributed regarding the injustice’s perpetrated upon our men and boys.

We will screen and facilitate a discussion regarding these film shorts.

A 10 minute version of TANAL is at the following link: Trayvon Martin Didn't Die in Vain - Stop Racial profiling This award-winning documentary may have stopped the most recent deadly incident.

The thought provoking link to “Unarmed” is below.

How can anyone view this and not at least wonder, “WHY?”