Concurrent Session #4 | 2015 Summit
Saturday April 11; 11:00 - 11:50am

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Black Men and Mental Health

Tiffany A. Stewart, Midwestern State University
John E. Queener, University of Akron Main Campus
Maryann Meniru, University of Akron Main Campus
Brian Turner, Xavier University of Louisiana
Mariza Goncalves

NOTE TIME CHANGE SESSION 4 11:00 - 11:30 Student Union 312

Boys & Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST) in Arkansas

Joseph Jones, Philander Smith College

Student Union 308

Dangerous Negroes: Defining, Displaying & Defending Black Manhood in a Climate of Hate

Bryant K. Smith, Smith Consulting And Networking

Student Union 314

I.M.A.G.E (Imagine Me a Gentleman of Excellence): Uncommon Swagg, Timothy Brown, Author of Boys Won't Be Boys, Educator and Motivational Speaker

Tim A. Brown Mr, FCA Columbus, Ohio

Student Union 310

The Center of Attention: Creating space that nurtures growth for men of color.

Victoria Snyder, Robert Morris University
Tierney Bates, University of Louisville

Student Union 300H


Wayne Jackson, University of Central Florida

Student Union 316

The Stereotype of the African-American Male Athlete: Removing the Dumb Jock Stigma

Brad E. Conn, Emmada Psychology Center
Brian D. Barton, Brideba

Student Union 335

They Are Not All Lost & Unarmed

Dawn Kirk-Alexander
Keith Smith
David Massey

Student Union Theatre

Transforming Education through University School Community Partnerships

Donnie Ray Hale Jr, Florida International University
Maria Lovett, Florida International University

Student Union 307