
College of Engineering and Polymer Science

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:43:19


Mechanical Engineering

Honors Course

MECE 461 (Honors)

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


This project focuses on designing and implementing an efficient mechanism to connect PVC and gasket pieces in the door assembly process at Yankee Manufacturing. The aim is to improve process efficiency and productivity by increasing the assembly rate from 130 to 195 assemblies per hour, a 38% improvement. The project involved research, design iterations, performance evaluations, and adherence to engineering codes and standards, particularly focused on safety, ergonomics, and sustainability. The design process includes addressing challenges from a previous attempt, redefining project scope, and incorporating new elements such as transitioning to the packaging process seamlessly. Ethical considerations include promoting operator safety and well-being, aligning with OSHA standards, and minimizing environmental impact through responsible material selection. Validation data confirms that the designed mechanism meets all success metrics, including consistent connection, near-perfect alignment, and a simplified transition to packaging. The project’s societal impact extends to enhancing profitability, retaining skilled labor, and promoting sustainable engineering practices. The actual cost for this project is only $48.97 considering that many of the resources were sourced in-house and labor was not compensated. This project exemplified collaborative engineering efforts in addressing real-world challenges and driving positive change in industrial processes.

Research Sponsor

Scott Sawyer

First Reader

Dane Quinn

Second Reader

David Peters

Honors Faculty Advisor

Dane Quinn

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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