"The Impact of Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures on the Corrosion of Steel " by Carlee C. McCowin and Donald P. Visco Jr.

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:17:09


Chemical Engineering

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


Chemical admixtures are prepared in modern concrete to control certain performance properties, such as strength, setting-time, and workability. In this research, the corrosion inhibition properties of various shrinkage reducing admixtures in a synthetic concrete pore solution are examined. These compounds can inhibit or promote corrosion of the carbon steel rebar in concrete structures. The corrosive effects were tested by modeling the environment of concrete in a cathodic cell with a similar pH (12-13). Each shrinkage-reducing admixture (SRA) was compared to a standard reference cell. Tafel curves were used to determine the corrosion current and potential.

Research Sponsor

Donald P. Visco, Jr.

First Reader

Scott Lillard

Second Reader

Paul Young



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