"Damage Tolerant Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites: Influence of Reinfo" by S. Jayalakshmi, S. V. Kailas et al.

Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research


Damage Tolerant Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites: Influence of Reinforcement and Processing

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2-2007


A growing impetus to enhance our understanding of the behavior of magnesium-based alloys for use in weight critical applications resulted as a consequence of the low density of magnesium. In an attempt to enhance the applicability of magnesium for a wide spectrum of performance-critical applications, the addition of reinforcement to the alloy was considered as an economically affordable and potentially viable scientific alternative. In this paper are reported the results of a study aimed at understanding the influence of saffil alumina short fiber reinforcement on microstructural development of a squeeze-cast magnesium alloy. Preliminary results confirm promise of the reinforced alloy, which retains hardness, strength, and stiffness better at elevated temperatures compared to the unreinforced counterpart. However, impact strength and toughness of the reinforced alloy are inferior. The importance of the matrix alloy in governing the overall mechanical response of the composite microstructure is discussed based on fractographic observations. The importance of volume fraction of the reinforcing phase on properties of the composite microstructure is highlighted.

Publication Title

Materials and Manufacturing Processes





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