Date of Last Revision
2023-05-02 14:15:19
Electrical Engineering - Cooperative Education
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2015
Automation is increasingly becoming a larger part of daily life. From automated telephone calls to machines in manufacturing, robots are generally an effective and efficient way to reduce overhead costs, increase consistency in products and services, and perform tasks that may be hazardous to humans. The successful design and building of a two-wheeled balancing robot demonstrates a knowledge of control systems and sensor interfacing that can translate to real world applications. Helping seniors live on their own, performing dangerous mining work, repeatedly screwing the same piece in an assembly line, are great examples of a controls automation system freeing time up for a person to perform more important or more complex tasks, and all of these tasks use design techniques similar to that of a balancing robot. The robot will balance on two wheels and be able to have loads of varying weight and size (up to 5lbs) placed on the top platform. It will be capable of handling disturbances including bumps from humans or running into stationary objects and it can accommodate flooring changes (carpet, tile etc.) while maintaining balance. An accelerometer and a gyroscope feed information back to a pic microcontroller which feeds a PWM signal to two motors that drive the wheels so they stay under the center of mass of the robot.
Research Sponsor
Dr. Robert J. Veillette
First Reader
Mr. Gregory A. Lewis
Second Reader
Dr. Alex De Abreu
Recommended Citation
Laubli, David; Garabedian, Thomas; Paul, Jordan; Patel, Nikheel; and Redle, Michael, "Self-Balancing Two Wheeled Robot" (2015). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 65.