Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:01:53



Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


With the prevalence of caffeine use increasing in modern lifestyles, it is important to look at the symptoms of caffeine use, including withdrawal and dependence, and whether these symptoms have implications for addiction. A limited number of assessments have been developed to assess caffeine withdrawal. In order to make a call for more assessments and programs to be developed to assist with healthy caffeine use, this literature review observed recent studies focusing on withdrawal and dependence. Ozsunger et al. (2009) classified caffeine withdrawal into three categories of symptoms. Three years later, Juliano et al. (2012) used an experimental approach to develop a larger classification with seven clusters of withdrawal symptoms. Rogers et al. (2013) observed the effects of withdrawal on daily functionality. Juliano et al. (2012) assessed and interviewed participants who were physically dependent on caffeine in order to suggest further treatments for caffeine dependence. Evatt et al. (2015) developed a program for treatment for an individual problematically consuming caffeine.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Ronald Levant

First Reader

Shana Pryor

Second Reader

Ginelle Wolfe



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