Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 16:28:59


Business and Org Comm - Organizational Communications

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Winter 2015


This is a state-of-the-art review, which discusses the tactics and Theories that go into enhancing a brand’s persuasive ability, and discusses how corporations go about creating an influential and successful brand identity. With constant technological innovation and evolving buyer behavior, it is important for corporations to take into account the importance of constantly developing and enhancing their brand. In this review, there is a discussion of the differences between brand and brand image, the importance of congruence between the brand and the consumer, an overview of marketing and advertising communication, and the use of endorsements and celebrities to strengthen brand awareness. Within these topics, the review contains several of the most commonly used concepts and hypotheses that are involved in each, along with a discussion of potential topics to consider as research efforts continue in the future that were not included/vaguely covered in any current research. An understanding of the idea of persuasion through brands gives corporations the knowledge to efficiently and effectively enhance their brand/image, along with giving consumers the know-how and confidence to make educated decisions for themselves in regards to products and services among the different ideologies and strategies that these corporations utilize.

Research Sponsor

Dudley Turner

First Reader

Heather Walter

Second Reader

Andrew Rancer



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