Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:17:01


Mechanical Engineering

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


The University of Akron’s Air Force Research Laboratory’s Design Challenge Team has engineered a Heat Stress Prevention Kit that includes a facial mask in which the soldier will cool down from the inside out by breathing in the cool air circulating throughout the mask. This cool air is produced from a thermoelectric chip, which has a specific temperature difference on either side, one hot and one cold. Each of the sides are isolated from one another and with the combination of heatsinks, fans, and the simple process of breathing, a system is created by inhaling cool air. The entire system is powered and controlled by a power source including two LiPo batteries, an Arduino Uno Circuit Board, and a relay all encased in an external pouch which can attach to any Molle strap system. A bonus feature to this mask system is it can

Research Sponsor

US Airforce

First Reader

Scott Sawyer

Second Reader

Jerry E Drummond



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