
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS)

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 23:27:51


Geography - Geographic Information Sciences

Honors Course

3370:497 - Honors Project in Geology

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2020


The number of deer in an area is an important statistic for land managers to know, as overabundance has many negative effects. There are many methods that have been used to count deer in the past, such as using manned helicopters and airplanes, walking on foot, and conducting controlled hunts. UAS (unmanned aerial systems) is a growing field that provides many benefits over traditional methods of counting deer, such as lower cost and missions being less time consuming. Using a thermal sensor attached to a UAS makes it simple to spot any deer during a flight. Two main methods of counting and mapping deer using a UAS with a thermal sensor are investigated in detail; taking a video and taking still images which are then used to create an orthophoto mosaic. It was found that while there are positives and negatives to both methods, it is likely not possible to see a deer within a mosaic while it is possible to see deer in a thermal video.

Research Sponsor

Shanon Donnelly

First Reader

Linda Barrett

Second Reader

Jeremy Spencer

Honors Faculty Advisor

Linda Barrett



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