Embed the Readership Map | Encountering Hopewell in the Twenty-first Century, Ohio and Beyond | The University of Akron Press | The University of Akron
Encountering Hopewell in the Twenty-first Century, Ohio and Beyond

Add the Readership Map to Your Website

The Digital Commons Readership Acivity map demonstrates the impact of your institution's scholarship around the globe. This real-time visualization of full-text downloads allows funders, provosts, directors, deans, and other stakeholders on and off campus to see the reach of your repository at a glance.

Follow the instructions below to add the readership map from Encountering Hopewell in the Twenty-first Century, Ohio and Beyond to your own website. For assistance, contact Consulting Services at dc-support@bepress.com.

  1. Select the desired map size to have the appropriate snippets created below:
    666 x 400 pixels
    1024 x 720 pixels
  2. Copy the text below and paste it into your HTML file where you would like the map to appear.
  3. Copy the Javascript from the field below, and paste it at the bottom of your HTML file, before the closing "</body>" tag. Replace the "Origin" placeholder URL "https://your_site_here.com" with the URL of the site where the map will be embedded. PLEASE NOTE: The site where the map will be embedded should use "https" - be sure to include that in the URL.