Con Law Center Articles and Publications
Publications from 2007
Proportionality and the Supreme Court's Jurisprudence of Remedies, Tracy A. Thomas
The Continued Vitality of Prophylactic Relief, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2006
Unintended Consequences of the Fourteenth Amendment and What They Tell us About its Interpretation, Richard L. Aynes
Constitutional Jurisprudence of Sandra Day O'Connor: A Refusal to "Foreclose the Unanticipated", Wilson R. Huhn
State Action Doctrine and the Principle of Democratic Choice, Wilson R. Huhn
Book Review, Sharon Hatfield, Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell, Tracy A. Thomas
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the Federal Marriage Amendment: A Letter to the President, Tracy A. Thomas
Restriction of Tort Remedies and the Constraints of Due Process: The Right to an Adequate Remedy, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2005
A Practical and Pragmatic Approach to Freedom of Conscience, Martin H. Belsky
Powers That Be: A Reexamination of the Federal Courts' Rulemaking and Adjudicatory Powers in the Context of a Clash of a Congressional Statute and a Supreme Court Rule, Bernadette Bollas Genetin, Powers that be: A Reexamination of the Federal Courts' Rulemaking and Adjudicatory Powers in the Context of a Clash of a Congressional Statute and a Supreme Court Rule, 57 Baylor Law Review 587 (2005).
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Ohio Issue 1 is Unconstitutional, Wilson R. Huhn
Bush v. Gore and the Distortion of Common Law Remedies, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2004
Assessing the Constitutionality of Laws that are Both Content Based and Content Neutral, Wilson R. Huhn
Jurisprudential Revolution Unlocking Human Potential in Lawrence and Grutter, Wilson R. Huhn
Scienter, Causation, and Harm: The Right-Hand Side of the Constitutional Calculus, Wilson R. Huhn
The Network Economic Effects of Whiteness, Brant T. Lee
The Beecher Sisters as Nineteenth-Century Feminist Icons of the Sameness-Difference Debate, Tracy A. Thomas
The Prophylactic Remedy: Normative Principles and Definitional Parameters of Broad Injunctive Relief, Tracy A. Thomas
Ubi Jus, Ibi Remedium: The Fundamental Right to a Remedy, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2003
The Continuing Importance of Congressman John A. Bingham and the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
Stages of Legal Reasoning: Formalism, Analogy, and Realism, Wilson R. Huhn
Justice Scalia Reinvents Restitution
Publications from 2002
Random vs. Suspicion-Based Drug Testing in the Public Schools -- A Surprising Civil Liberties Dilemma, Martin H. Belsky
Expressly Repudiating Implied Repeals Analysis: A New Framework for Resolving Conflicts Between Congressional Statutes and Federal Rules, Bernadette Bollas Genetin
Teaching the Amistad, Brant T. Lee
Understanding Prophylactic Remedies Through the Looking Glass of Bush v. Gore, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2001
Teaching Legal Analysis Using a Pluralistic Model of Law, Wilson R. Huhn
A Racial Trust: The Japanese YWCA and the Alien Land Law, Brant T. Lee
Congress' Section 5 Power and Remedial Rights, Tracy A. Thomas
Publications from 2000
Education and The Constitution: Shaping Each Other and the Next Century, Elizabeth Reilly, Education and The Constitution: Shaping Each Other and the Next Century, 34 Akron Law Review 1 (2000).
Publications from 1995
Charles Fairman, Felix Frankfurter, and the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
Publications from 1994
Constricting the Law of Freedom: Justice Miller, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Slaughter-House Cases, Richard L. Aynes
Living with Miranda: a reply to Professor Grano, Martin H. Belsky
The Public Trust Doctrine: the Public Trust Doctrine and Takings: a Post-Lucas view, Martin H. Belsky
Publications from 1993
The Impeachment and Removal of Tennessee Judge West Humphreys: John Bingham's Prologue to the Johnson Impeachment Trial, Richard Aynes
On Misreading John Bingham and the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
Publications from 1984
Review Essay On Becoming and Being a Prosecutor, Martin H. Belsky
Publications from 1973
Reapportionment in the 1970's - A Pennsylvania Illustration, Martin H. Belsky