IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: P04 The Essence of Violence in the Black Males

Event Title

P04 The Essence of Violence in the Black Males

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, High school parents


The narrative in the world is that our youth, our children, young people of color are so violent. I would like to first take the time to challenge that argument and say that’s it’s not our youth that are violent but it’s our nation that is violent. America is guilty of more violence than any other country/continent in the world. America was built off of war, from the war in 1675when a Native American named Sassamon was murdered and in retaliation for his murder the Plymouth colony executed three Wampanoag’s which lead to the war of King Phillips. The King Phillips War lasted for three years and ended with a colonial victory over the Native Americans. When it was over the Native Americans had lost all their land. Many wars have followed, including the Civil War which eventually led to the end of slavery which we will talk about shortly but also the wars of today one of which has just ended in Afghanistan. They say we invaded Iraq because of it’s rogue nation a nation that has no regard for human life. They say the people of Iraq are an oppressed people. Hmmmm. I don’t know, but aren’t the black people in America an oppressed people. Aren’t we being ran by a rogue government, rogue politicians and corporations, rogue police department headed by a rogue mayors. I’m just saying. When you build a country with guns, slavery and by keeping a segment of people in poverty then follow that up with bad education and government with military style police then what you get is youth growing up in war zones learning nothing about their king and queen heritage but instead being born in a war zone that prepares them mentally; to be violent. A culture of war is cultivated where young white males go to war oversees and young black males go to war on inner city streets. Both are fighting for land but one is right and one is wrong. Society will have you say that there is something wrong with our young blacks males who try to hold on to the little pride that they are allowed to have. They block, they side of town, they crew, fight for respect in a world that gives them no respect. Well I say that there is something wrong with the ones that are overseas and fight fake wars that allow a country to be kept in terror that extracts millions of dollars from taxpayers in America when inner city schools are failing and neighborhoods are dying. How do you justify a war that aims to pull a country together when your country is falling apart.

Then we talk about slavery and the conditions and aftermath of those conditions and what you have today is a nation full of black youth without a hope or a care in the world. Our black youth wakes up in the morning in poverty with no viable means of getting out. Going to a school that teaches them that they never have been anything but meaningless slaves and unless they have skills like LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Russell Wilson or Serena Williams that they will forever be nothing.

We fought for integration so our children can go to schools that glorify Europeans while claiming that Africans are 3/5ths human beings. We go to school to learn how to run their business and live in their world, what about the world you come from. What about your home life. They aren’t teaching you how to interact with black parents who might not be educated or how to cope with an absent father that may be dead or in jail. Our children aren’t learning work ethic or life skills. We live in a system where rich kids get taught and poor kids get tested. A governmental system that allows money to be allocated to rich neighborhoods while community centers in the inner cities are being closed. Schools are closed down so that prisons can be built. The schools that we have are nice and pretty on the outside with no substance on the inside. Teachers are underpaid and their hands are tied with test that hinders them from teaching our children how to make it out of their impoverished state of being.

As parents our hands are tied. We can either continue with the slave mentality of beating our children which continues to perpetrate violence in our children. Allowing the rage that is already in them to eventually come out in a violent manner. Feeding into a society that expects them to be violent and eventually landing them in jail or dead which further contributes to the blight of our inner city.

On the other hand we can give them everything they want that we didn’t have when we was growing up. We can be their friend and allow them to listen to music that teaches them that they are “real niggas” and ‘real bitches’ that teaches them that if they haven’t been to jail they ain’t ish, that teaches them to have unprotected sex with whoever they want, to do drugs, drink and be disrespectful to whoever gets in their way.

Then we want to send them to church, send them to the Pastor where they go learn about a white Jesus. The same white Jesus that white slave masters used to keep us in slavery, the same white Jesus that is used to keep us oppressed and expect them to believe that there is hope.

Too many people waiting till they die to go to heaven when heaven is mind state. You can be in heaven on earth most chose to live in hell by what we put into our system. A mind state built off of destruction and lies. Seek knowledge in order to grow. Ask questions live to learn and learn to live.

To all of my African American children; I first of all want to say I’m sorry. To all my young black man-child’s I say; I’m sorry. To all my young ladies; I say, I’m sorry. Why do I say I’m sorry? I’m sorry for being the example of violence that so many of you have grown up and seen. I’m sorry for being the example of violence that many of you have grown up and taking part of. I’m sorry for not being the role model you needed when you were infants and needed a solid foundation to stand on. I’m sorry.

Today is the day that we rectify this madness. Today is the day that we learn how to deal with the anger in our body the frustration in our souls. Today is the day that we learn how to love ourselves, love our brothers and love our community. You hate because you were born into hate. It will be up to you to change the conditions that we are in. You are our future. You are kings. You are Queens. You are the President. You are independent business owners. You are CEO’s. You are City Council Members. You are Police Officers. You are government officials, Mayors. You are teachers and principals. You are more than conquers. You have the ability, the courage and knowledge to change the world as we know it.

A young black child conceived in love or lust that has traveled down a tumulus road to be born in between urine and crap just so they live in a world that urinates and craps on them from birth unto death. The Bible tells us that; man born of woman, is of few days, and full of trouble. (Job 14:1)

So how do level out the inevitable? We must first deal with some cultural issues. Our way of life must be evaluated and changed in a way that ensures tomorrow’s generation has a chance to be all they can be. We can attack a white supremacist system all day everyday but if we don’t change things in our homes, in our daily interactions, in our communities things will never change.

We must start loving our children in all aspects. We must feed their souls. From conception until adult hood we must feed their spirit. It is often said that music calms a salvage beast. I often hear Cornell West say that music is the gift of the soul. What music did you listen to when you were pregnant? What music did you listen to on the way from the hospital? What music are you listening to now? What music are you allowing your children to listen to? The music that you are listening to and allow your children to listen to is a direct reflection of your kid’s attitude toward life and behavior. What are feeding their souls with in the form of entertainment on the idiot box. Are we requiring them to read, read about themselves, about history or are we allowing them learn lies about themselves through reality TV.

How are we teaching our kids? Are we teaching them to be dependent on us and society as whole or we teaching them to be hard working, problem solvers and thinkers? In suburban communities they invest in learning toys. They learn work ethics and science and math principles. We take our kids to the store and by things like airplanes that are already assembled so our kids can go home and roll them on the ground. Suburban families go the craft store and buy airplanes in wooden boxes with instructions for assembly, with glue and engines. Once the child is done putting it together they expect it fly. We are teaching our kids to buy and use our body from neck down while white upper class youth are being taught very early to prepare themselves to build things and run things using the neck up. Two different worlds our kids learn to depend on working for others their kids learn to control their own destiny.

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P04 The Essence of Violence in the Black Males

The narrative in the world is that our youth, our children, young people of color are so violent. I would like to first take the time to challenge that argument and say that’s it’s not our youth that are violent but it’s our nation that is violent. America is guilty of more violence than any other country/continent in the world. America was built off of war, from the war in 1675when a Native American named Sassamon was murdered and in retaliation for his murder the Plymouth colony executed three Wampanoag’s which lead to the war of King Phillips. The King Phillips War lasted for three years and ended with a colonial victory over the Native Americans. When it was over the Native Americans had lost all their land. Many wars have followed, including the Civil War which eventually led to the end of slavery which we will talk about shortly but also the wars of today one of which has just ended in Afghanistan. They say we invaded Iraq because of it’s rogue nation a nation that has no regard for human life. They say the people of Iraq are an oppressed people. Hmmmm. I don’t know, but aren’t the black people in America an oppressed people. Aren’t we being ran by a rogue government, rogue politicians and corporations, rogue police department headed by a rogue mayors. I’m just saying. When you build a country with guns, slavery and by keeping a segment of people in poverty then follow that up with bad education and government with military style police then what you get is youth growing up in war zones learning nothing about their king and queen heritage but instead being born in a war zone that prepares them mentally; to be violent. A culture of war is cultivated where young white males go to war oversees and young black males go to war on inner city streets. Both are fighting for land but one is right and one is wrong. Society will have you say that there is something wrong with our young blacks males who try to hold on to the little pride that they are allowed to have. They block, they side of town, they crew, fight for respect in a world that gives them no respect. Well I say that there is something wrong with the ones that are overseas and fight fake wars that allow a country to be kept in terror that extracts millions of dollars from taxpayers in America when inner city schools are failing and neighborhoods are dying. How do you justify a war that aims to pull a country together when your country is falling apart.

Then we talk about slavery and the conditions and aftermath of those conditions and what you have today is a nation full of black youth without a hope or a care in the world. Our black youth wakes up in the morning in poverty with no viable means of getting out. Going to a school that teaches them that they never have been anything but meaningless slaves and unless they have skills like LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Russell Wilson or Serena Williams that they will forever be nothing.

We fought for integration so our children can go to schools that glorify Europeans while claiming that Africans are 3/5ths human beings. We go to school to learn how to run their business and live in their world, what about the world you come from. What about your home life. They aren’t teaching you how to interact with black parents who might not be educated or how to cope with an absent father that may be dead or in jail. Our children aren’t learning work ethic or life skills. We live in a system where rich kids get taught and poor kids get tested. A governmental system that allows money to be allocated to rich neighborhoods while community centers in the inner cities are being closed. Schools are closed down so that prisons can be built. The schools that we have are nice and pretty on the outside with no substance on the inside. Teachers are underpaid and their hands are tied with test that hinders them from teaching our children how to make it out of their impoverished state of being.

As parents our hands are tied. We can either continue with the slave mentality of beating our children which continues to perpetrate violence in our children. Allowing the rage that is already in them to eventually come out in a violent manner. Feeding into a society that expects them to be violent and eventually landing them in jail or dead which further contributes to the blight of our inner city.

On the other hand we can give them everything they want that we didn’t have when we was growing up. We can be their friend and allow them to listen to music that teaches them that they are “real niggas” and ‘real bitches’ that teaches them that if they haven’t been to jail they ain’t ish, that teaches them to have unprotected sex with whoever they want, to do drugs, drink and be disrespectful to whoever gets in their way.

Then we want to send them to church, send them to the Pastor where they go learn about a white Jesus. The same white Jesus that white slave masters used to keep us in slavery, the same white Jesus that is used to keep us oppressed and expect them to believe that there is hope.

Too many people waiting till they die to go to heaven when heaven is mind state. You can be in heaven on earth most chose to live in hell by what we put into our system. A mind state built off of destruction and lies. Seek knowledge in order to grow. Ask questions live to learn and learn to live.

To all of my African American children; I first of all want to say I’m sorry. To all my young black man-child’s I say; I’m sorry. To all my young ladies; I say, I’m sorry. Why do I say I’m sorry? I’m sorry for being the example of violence that so many of you have grown up and seen. I’m sorry for being the example of violence that many of you have grown up and taking part of. I’m sorry for not being the role model you needed when you were infants and needed a solid foundation to stand on. I’m sorry.

Today is the day that we rectify this madness. Today is the day that we learn how to deal with the anger in our body the frustration in our souls. Today is the day that we learn how to love ourselves, love our brothers and love our community. You hate because you were born into hate. It will be up to you to change the conditions that we are in. You are our future. You are kings. You are Queens. You are the President. You are independent business owners. You are CEO’s. You are City Council Members. You are Police Officers. You are government officials, Mayors. You are teachers and principals. You are more than conquers. You have the ability, the courage and knowledge to change the world as we know it.

A young black child conceived in love or lust that has traveled down a tumulus road to be born in between urine and crap just so they live in a world that urinates and craps on them from birth unto death. The Bible tells us that; man born of woman, is of few days, and full of trouble. (Job 14:1)

So how do level out the inevitable? We must first deal with some cultural issues. Our way of life must be evaluated and changed in a way that ensures tomorrow’s generation has a chance to be all they can be. We can attack a white supremacist system all day everyday but if we don’t change things in our homes, in our daily interactions, in our communities things will never change.

We must start loving our children in all aspects. We must feed their souls. From conception until adult hood we must feed their spirit. It is often said that music calms a salvage beast. I often hear Cornell West say that music is the gift of the soul. What music did you listen to when you were pregnant? What music did you listen to on the way from the hospital? What music are you listening to now? What music are you allowing your children to listen to? The music that you are listening to and allow your children to listen to is a direct reflection of your kid’s attitude toward life and behavior. What are feeding their souls with in the form of entertainment on the idiot box. Are we requiring them to read, read about themselves, about history or are we allowing them learn lies about themselves through reality TV.

How are we teaching our kids? Are we teaching them to be dependent on us and society as whole or we teaching them to be hard working, problem solvers and thinkers? In suburban communities they invest in learning toys. They learn work ethics and science and math principles. We take our kids to the store and by things like airplanes that are already assembled so our kids can go home and roll them on the ground. Suburban families go the craft store and buy airplanes in wooden boxes with instructions for assembly, with glue and engines. Once the child is done putting it together they expect it fly. We are teaching our kids to buy and use our body from neck down while white upper class youth are being taught very early to prepare themselves to build things and run things using the neck up. Two different worlds our kids learn to depend on working for others their kids learn to control their own destiny.

Chore list

