IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: P12 The Application For Manhood

Event Title

P12 The Application For Manhood

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, High school parents, College parents


This interactive workshop ask the questions "if manhood were a job could and would you apply?" This workshop will help young males define manhood, as well as enhance participants critical thinking skills through the examination of current events in the news and popular culture. The workshop will provide attendees with a model for defining manhood, a method for evaluating their manhood, and a system for monitoring and improving their developmental progress on their journey to manhood.

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P12 The Application For Manhood

This interactive workshop ask the questions "if manhood were a job could and would you apply?" This workshop will help young males define manhood, as well as enhance participants critical thinking skills through the examination of current events in the news and popular culture. The workshop will provide attendees with a model for defining manhood, a method for evaluating their manhood, and a system for monitoring and improving their developmental progress on their journey to manhood.