IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: P16 Some Viewers May Find This Disturbing: Viewer Discretion is Advised

Event Title

P16 Some Viewers May Find This Disturbing: Viewer Discretion is Advised

Presenter Information

Kayla Simone' GriffinFollow

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, Other


In 1965, novelist James Baldwin told Time magazine, “To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.” Here we are 50 years later, and not much has changed. In an evolving society where Millennials vent on twitter, protest through personal blogs and – in extreme cases such as Ferguson and Cleveland – take to the streets in demonstrations, it is preposterous to think and expect “conscious” students and young professions to come into work and school and remain compliant with the status quo.

In order to maintain this status, many have mastered the art of code switching (i.e., the ability to move between variations of languages in different setting in order to accommodate or conform). The danger is, this creates a synthetic and unproductive environment that will eventually morph its performers from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.

It is time to dispel the notion that we are desensitized citizens while in school and work. It is equally important to note that we are more than outraged advocates with 140 characters at our disposal. This is why it is imperative that Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby-Boomers find a common ground, in order to cultivate authentic and productive environments that bring about lasting progress in the 21st Century.

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P16 Some Viewers May Find This Disturbing: Viewer Discretion is Advised

In 1965, novelist James Baldwin told Time magazine, “To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.” Here we are 50 years later, and not much has changed. In an evolving society where Millennials vent on twitter, protest through personal blogs and – in extreme cases such as Ferguson and Cleveland – take to the streets in demonstrations, it is preposterous to think and expect “conscious” students and young professions to come into work and school and remain compliant with the status quo.

In order to maintain this status, many have mastered the art of code switching (i.e., the ability to move between variations of languages in different setting in order to accommodate or conform). The danger is, this creates a synthetic and unproductive environment that will eventually morph its performers from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.

It is time to dispel the notion that we are desensitized citizens while in school and work. It is equally important to note that we are more than outraged advocates with 140 characters at our disposal. This is why it is imperative that Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby-Boomers find a common ground, in order to cultivate authentic and productive environments that bring about lasting progress in the 21st Century.