"The New Class Action Federalism" by Mark Moller


Mark Moller


Because separation of powers is “an aspect of federalism”10—a mechanism through which federalism is protected—this idea helps connect the Court’s “happenstantial” class action federalism with constitutional principle. This Article develops this idea in three parts. Part I briefly summarizes Richard Marcus’s account of CAFA’s potential to catalyze a kind of hyper-aggressive mass tort nationalism. Part II then reviews how the Roberts Court’s stinting approach to class actions is, to the contrary, throwing a lifeline to federalism. Part III ends by showing how Bayer points to a link, so far undeveloped in the case law, between that stinting approach and the separation of powers—a link that, were it to be developed further in future cases, could make federalism not just “happenstantial,” but integral to our understanding of the scope and reach of federal class actions.

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