Submission Policies
The Akron Law Review welcomes original, previously unpublished articles of all lengths. Citations must conform to the latest edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Footnotes are required. With the submission of your article, please include a cover letter that includes your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
Electrontic Submissions
The Law Review accepts electronic submissions of articles in Word format via ExpressO, Scholastica, or by email to the Articles Editors, at
Mail Submissions
The Law Review also accepts submissions at the following address:
Articles Editors
Akron Law Review
The University of Akron School of Law
Akron, OH 44325-2901
Expedited Review
Requests for expedited review may be sent to the Law Review staff at
Peer Review Policy
All Akron Law Review content is subject to review by the editorial board and law school faculty. While all Law Reviews in the United States are student-edited, the faculty of the University of Akron School of Law participate in reviewing articles before their acceptance for publication. Articles are read and reviewed for quality by teaching faculty who recommend publication or rejection of each article. Acceptable articles are then reviewed by the Faculty Advisor for the Law Review and the Editor-in-Chief to assure the quality of the submission. The Faculty Advisor gives a recommendation and the Editor-in-Chief makes the final determination of acceptance for publication.
Any manuscripts received for review will be treated as confidential documents. The manuscripts will not be shown to or discussed with others unless authorized by the Law Review editor.
All reviews shall be conducted objectively and reviewers must not have a conflict of interest.
Reviewers must ensure that the work acknowledges and cites to sources as necessary. Any overlap between the submitted work and another published paper of which the reviewer has knowledge should be brought to the Editor-in-Chief’s attention.
Corrections and Retractions of published work should be sent to
Copyright and Licensing Information
1. Author’s Ownership of Copyright and Reservation of Rights a. The copyright in the Work shall remain with Author. 2. Author's Grant of Rights a. Author irrevocably grants to University a non-exclusive, worldwide license to reproduce and distribute the Work in the Akron Law Review in any medium now or hereafter known, as a contribution to a collection published by University, by means of an Internet or Intranet site or other technology over which University exercises effective control, and by means of third-party legal information providers, such as, but not limited to, LEXIS-NEXIS, Westlaw, HeinOnline, and ProQuest/UMI. b. Author irrevocably grants to University a non-exclusive, worldwide license to authorize the reproduction and distribution of the Work, in whole or in part, by nonprofit institutions for educational purposes including distribution to students, provided that the copies are distributed at or below cost and identify Author, Akron Law ReviewAkron Law Review. c. Author irrevocably grants to University a non-exclusive, worldwide license to authorize others to reproduce and distribute copies of the Work in a form other than those specified in Paragraphs 2(1) and 2(2), provided that such copies identify Author, Akron Law Review, the volume, the number of the first page, and the year of the Work’s publication in the Akron Law Review, and provided further that Author has been notified by University, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the grant of such authorization, of its intent to authorize such reproduction and distribution and Author has not within thirty (30) days after being notified given University written notice of Author’s objection to such reproduction and distribution. d. Author grants the above rights without claim of royalties or other compensation.
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