"The Firearms Sellers Immunity Bill" by Frank J. Vandall


Snipings, mass-murders by disgruntled employees, children shooting children, and a vast number of spousal murders are everyday news across the country. In the numerous lawsuits brought by individual victims and over 30 cities, it has been alleged that gun manufacturers and sellers have an important role to play in designing guns to be safer and in closely monitoring gun sales. The courts are weighing these issues and have dismissed a large number of individual and city suits for various reasons. As the Senate debates the Bill (S. 659) that shields those in the gun trade from liability, several issues need to be examined. These considerations suggest that complete immunity is premature and the various gun liability cases should be permitted to work their way through the judicial process. Part One examines the collapse of the gun suits in the state courts. Part Two evaluates the gun violence epidemic. Part Three considers critical gun control policies, and Part Four weighs the judicial construction of the Second Amendment.
