


The scope of the Ohio statute is severely limited and complicated by federal laws and regulations concerning liquidity requirements, bank holding companies, and antitrust restrictions. The remainder of this article will focus on these limitations and other problems encountered by savings associations in the creation and operation of a bank for savings associations in Ohio. Specifically, part II discusses who may form a bank for savings associations in Ohio and with whom the bank can transact business. Part III explains the application of the Bank Holding Company Act as a limitation on investments, and how savings associations can avoid application of the Act. Part IV discusses the liquidity requirements imposed on savings associations. (The bank's usefulness is greatly diminished if it is not designated a one hundred percent liquidity agent.) Part V is an in-depth look at BSLA. This section is designed to illustrate the operation and importance of a central bank. Finally, part VI will discuss the feasibility of, and need for, a central bank for savings associations in Ohio.
