Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:11:34


Political Science - Criminal Justice - Track 2

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


As political elections are becoming more expensive, judicial elections are also following this trend. This project focuses on elections at the state supreme court level. There are three different methods used to select state supreme court justices, which are: partisan, nonpartisan, and merit selections. The intent of this project is to provide an empirical analysis of the differences in amounts raised between judicial selection methods. This will be done by examining the amount of money that is raised by state supreme court candidates in Ohio, compared to Florida. Ohio is a state that uses partisan elections, while Florida uses the merit system. By empirically showing that more money is raised in a state that uses partisan elections, this serves to supplement and strengthen the existing research regarding the differences in amounts raised between judicial selection methods.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Nancy Marion

First Reader

Prof. Phil Marcin

Second Reader

Prof. John Matejkovic



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