Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:04:48


Computer Engineering - Cooperative Education

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


One of the main hindrances of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology are power constraints. One way to alleviate some power constraints would be for two UAVs to exchange batteries while both are in flight. Autonomous mid-air battery swapping will expand the scope of UAV technology by allowing for indefinite flight times and longer missions. A single board computer will control each UAV’s flight software to respond to inputs to align with each other mid-flight. When the two UAVs have joined, mechanical components will exchange a depleted battery on the worker UAV for a freshly charged battery that belongs to the battery supply UAV. After the exchange, the drones will then detach themselves from each other, and the worker UAV will resume its mission while the battery supply UAV returns back to the ground control station.

Research Sponsor

Nghi Tran

First Reader

Seungdeog Choi



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