Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:52:06

Degree Name

Bachelor of Business Administration

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


This research project sought to provide GOJO Industries, Inc. with strategic recommendations for improving sales of their SMARTLINK Observation (OBV) hand hygiene compliance monitoring mobile application. The two required steps for building recommendations were to analyze the status of the hand hygiene compliance monitoring market (as of 2017) and gain insight on the needs of nurses, doctors, and other healthcare directors in hospitals and urgent care facilities. In conjunction with GOJO Industries, Inc., the viability of a subscription-based mobile application for monitoring was tested. Employees of several different healthcare facilities were interviewed about their current methods and practices for compliance monitoring. Their pain points, suggestions, and thoughts on a mobile application solution were all documented. Information was also gathered from hospital systems that currently use GOJO's Smartlink OBV application. Upon aggregating all of the interview responses, four strategic recommendations for selling the GOJO Smartlink app were formulated.

The four suggestions:

1. Improve existing reporting capabilities and features.
2. Create a hygiene compliance standard and reward for hospitals to display.
3. Bundle the application with other GOJO products (purell, the fully automated dispensing systems, etc.) and offer a "freemium" version of the app.
4. Modify the application for use in other markets, such as restuarants, chemical labs, schools, and factories.

Research Sponsor

GOJO Industries, Inc.



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