Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:51:35



Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of methamphetamine combined with hypoxia on the development and function of the cardiovascular system in Danio rerio embryos. It was hypothesized that the combined effect of the drug and decreased oxygen concentration would result in decreased cardiac parameters due to underdevelopment of the ventricle and vessels resulting from cardiomyopathy and lack of blood flow to tissues. It was found that methamphetamine exposure correlated to an increase in stroke volume, caudal artery and vein diameters and RBC velocities alone, while having a multiplicative effect of increasing arterial RBC velocity when combined with hypoxia. Methamphetamine exposure alone did not have a significant effect on heart rate and cardiac output. This experiment shows that the negative effects of prenatal abuse of methamphetamine could be amplified by hypoxia induced by various pathologies.

Research Sponsor

Brian Bagatto

First Reader

Susan Hines

Second Reader

Rolando Ramirez



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