Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:51:41

Degree Name

Bachelor of Business Administration

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


Team Smucker Love was assigned the task of understanding recent graduates’ work environment priorities by the J. M. Smucker company. Through primary and secondary research, the team collaborated and discovered a variety of factors that are important to recent college graduates, as well as other millennials. This research seeks to define a few elements that can sway a recent college graduate whether to ultimately accept a position offered to them. Identified were five key areas of improvement at the target client, the J.M. Smucker Company, including technology in the workplace, work-life balance, workplace layout, work place culture, and amenities offered within the workplace. These factors are discussed in-depth and include recommendations within the paper.

First Reader

Andy Platt

Second Reader

Susan Hanlon


This paper was written in affiliation with the CBA Honors Integrated Business Forum.

Included in

Business Commons



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