"Effects of Egg and Egg Replacers on Consumer Acceptability of Chocolat" by Stormey R. Trayter

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:45:27


Food & Environmental Nutrition

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


Egg allergies are very common, and affect 1% to 2% of all children (Savage, 2007). For this reason, egg replacers that can be easily used by home cooks are an important area of research. In this experiment, a simple egg replacer of flour, oil, baking soda, and water was added to a standard cake mix, with variables consisting of a control product and a product made with no eggs using the egg replacer. The null hypothesis was rejected; removing eggs and adding the egg replacer has an effect on the ability for consumers to discriminate between samples in a triangle test.

Research Sponsor

Jennifer L. Warren

First Reader

Kathy Schupp

Second Reader

Dawn Scott



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