"The Effects of Music Therapy on Stuttering" by Nicole Baumann and Dr. Scott Palasik

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:33:13


Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


Across time and culture, music has been used to augment and treat a variety of psychological and physical diseases. The current study therefore aims to identify the effects of music on stuttering. For this study, one individual was selected to participate for a total of five weeks. The procedure included documenting the participant’s percentages of syllables stuttered in monologues and structured reading passages as well as completing pre and post mindfulness assessments during the course of the study. Results indicate that music positively affects percentages of syllables stuttered in reading passages, the types of disfluencies and overall mindfulness levels of the individual.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Scott Palasik

First Reader

Dr. Terry Hallett

Second Reader

Dr. Jim Steiger



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