Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 19:05:33


International Business - Foreign Language

Degree Name

Bachelor of Business Administration

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


The purpose of this study is to determine the reasons behind studying abroad and how The University of Akron can improve the College of Business Administration’s (CBA) programs to ensure students receive an enriching experience. Upon discovery of the failure to attain students for two CBA study abroad programs, sustainability became an issue that needed to be addressed. The paper begins with research on the history and the impact of studying abroad. Two surveys were distributed to three different trips within the CBA. This was to assess the reasoning behind why students chose to study abroad. Overall, we found that cost and financial support were the largest deterrents for students going abroad. On the other hand, students tended to go abroad because of the service work involved and the location of the trip. Overall, we found that the program cost is an initial barrier, but students who study abroad see the value in going abroad upon their return.

Research Sponsor

Kevin Smith

First Reader

David Black

Second Reader

Susan Hanlon


In this honors research project, there are two sections. The first is the leadership experience project to Jamaica and the second is the research project that includes data from the leadership experience project.



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