Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 19:05:46



Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


Recent findings suggest that retesting oneself facilitates better learning than studying alone. Building off previous experiments where correcting participants has significantly increased correctness, the current study furthers our understanding about learning from unsuccessful retrieval attempts by manipulating the frequency of correction. Using a set of 42 associated word pairings, each participant was exposed to two blocks where they would memorize the word pairs. This was followed by two quizzing blocks and a final exam block where participants were asked to write down the associate to the stimulus presented on screen. Frequency of correction was manipulated during the quizzing blocks where the participant had their answers checked and corrected by the proctor after every word pair, every third, or every seventh, depending on their condition. There was no correction during the final exam block. After completing the experiment, each participant completed both the Mill-Hill vocabulary scale and the OSPAN task for baseline comparison. Results indicated no significant difference between any of the correction frequency groups but did find that participant’s second quizzing and final exam scores increased significantly from the initial quiz score.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Philip Allen

First Reader

James Houston

Second Reader

Ariel Roberts



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