"The Takeover of Standardized Tests" by Karlie M. Lieberth

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 18:56:33


Middle Level Education - Science / Mathematics

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


Diane Ravitch once said, “Sometimes the most brilliant and intelligent students do not shine in standardized tests because they do not have standardized minds”. Standardized testing is a very controversial issue occurring in our school systems today. Standards hold schools and teachers accountable for properly progressing our youth through school. However, is administering the same exact test to every child in every school district the best way to measure growth? There are many factors that makes up a school and student body such as poverty, cultural beliefs etc. These factors are not addressed in the standardized tests that our students take year in and year out. Throughout this research paper, there are many options explored to replace standardized tests, survey results from a local school district’s students pertaining to their opinions of the test, and other issues caused from the tests. There is no set answer as to if these tests will be going away any time soon, however many educators, parents and community members are beginning to take steps to ensure there are no more standardized tests.

Research Sponsor

Gary Holliday

First Reader

Kristin Barker

Second Reader

Steve Kerst



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