Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 19:01:20


Adolescent to Young Adult - Integrated Mathematics

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


In today’s mathematics classrooms, calculators are becoming incredibly well known and used almost daily. However, there has been a common question about the use of these calculators: Is too much exposure to calculators causing students to become dependent on them and consequently start to forget basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, leading into confusion on other mathematics topics because the most basic foundation of mathematics is not there? The purpose of this paper is to discuss both sides of this question by looking at different studies as well as provide our own experiences with this subject while working in different classrooms.

Research Sponsor

Lynne M Pachnowski

First Reader

Karen B Plaster

Second Reader

Stefan A Forcey



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