Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 18:59:01


Political Science - Criminal Justice - Track 2

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


The London Metropolitan Police Department patrol officers do not regularly carry firearms in their routine duties. The members of the public and police each have opinions regarding this topic. The department’s history since its founding in 1829 developed strategies to engage with the public through community policing. This allows the agency to take a proactive approach to policing and implement intelligence-led policing into its daily patrol strategy. Intelligence-led policing promotes a unique relationship between the public and the police. This relationship is crucial to gaining the public confidence in the police, which allows them to not need to carry firearms in fulfilling their routine duties.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Nancy Marion

First Reader

Dr. Ron Gelleny

Second Reader

Dr. David Licate



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