Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 18:53:01


Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


This study involved the development, implementation and analyzation of two qualitative case studies, with one involving a profoundly deaf individual who possesses a cochlear implant, the other with an individual who possesses normal hearing ranges. Participants were given two quantitative measures of observation, the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and the Thought Control Questionnaire, before participating in a semi-structured interview that was intended to gather information about the individuals, their life experiences, and the factors of psychological flexibility, adaptability and resiliency as applied to their lives. The semi-structured interview involved a set list of questions that were posed to the individuals; clarification or “follow-up” questions were added in as the need to understand the answers arose. The results of the quantitative measures showed that the individual with normal hearing scored slightly higher than the individual with the cochlear implant, which could show that normal hearing ranges enables an individual to be more psychologically flexible and better able to control unwanted thoughts. During the course of the semi-structured interview, the individual with the cochlear implant had a high rating of psychological flexibility, which may indicate a greater sense of self-awareness; more research is needed to validate this idea. However, considering that only two participants were involved in this particular study such a conclusion is difficult to come to.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Scott Palasik

First Reader

Dr. K. Todd Houston

Second Reader

Dr. James Steiger



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