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2023-05-02 18:49:18


Dietetics - Coordinated Program

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


Completing this senior honors project afforded the opportunity to develop activities around the topics of basic gardening skills, cooking skills, and the importance of quality nutrition for the students from the Center for Child Development Day Camp. Seven lesson plans were developed in collaboration with Mrs. Kathy Schupp, the director of the Nutrition Center. At the beginning of summer, discussion took place regarding the types of nutrition information that could be learned from working in the Schrank Hall South teaching garden. The Great Garden Detective Adventure was used as a resource in planning lessons for the students. This book was made by the United States Department of Agriculture and is used as “a standards-based gardening nutrition curriculum for grades three and four.”1 The Great Garden Detective Adventure contains eleven lessons from which lessons for this project were based. Lessons were created as a hybrid education model, including learning in the classroom, kitchen, and garden. Data collected following each lesson showed improvement in nutrition knowledge.

Research Sponsor

Kathy Schupp

First Reader

Christin Seher

Second Reader

Michelle Boltz



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