Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 16:49:47


Early Childhood Education

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


This report is a summary of the observations and data collected during twenty hours of field work and observation. This project focuses on one child, identified as gifted, in a rural school district with limited resources. The report discusses the student’s current level of performance, analysis of the developmental domains (cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor), accommodations and modifications used by the student’s teachers, guidelines determined by the State of Ohio and the W. Local School District, alignment to the state requirements, and suggestions for the improvement of the student’s educational experience. The report will explain how the student is developing at an accelerated rate and how the school district is accommodating those needs. This information will be used as a comparison for behavior and performance in school to determine the effect of the environment on the student’s educational experience.

Research Sponsor

Lynn S. Kline

First Reader

Jennifer L. Bozeka

Second Reader

Gloria A. Hobor



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