""Lean"ing Towards Improvement" by Katie Wojciechowski

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 15:18:20



Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Date of Expected Graduation

Summer 2015


According to Balzer (2010) and Liebtag (2014), Lean Six Sigma is ubiquitous in the workforce, including areas of higher education institutions and accounting firms. Lean Six Sigma is primarily prevalent in areas of healthcare and manufacturing. Having knowledge in Lean Six Sigma can drastically improve the way people think about implementing and evaluating projects and processes. This paper describes research conducted, applied, and executed to help departments within the Division of Student Success at The University of Akron. These departments have significantly reduced the amount of waste and are now producing more revenue due to the Lean Six Sigma processes implemented over the past year. Though these changes are beneficial at the current time, the appropriate department within the University must re-evaluate to make sure they are the most efficient while still providing the most value to the customer. Continuous evaluation and improvement is crucial to today’s ever-evolving society, making Lean Six Sigma a crucial and valuable skill in the workforce.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Thomas Calderon

First Reader

Susan Beke

Second Reader

Dr. Kimberly Beyer

Included in

Accounting Commons



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