
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:51:39


Biomedical Science

Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


Vision care is essential to the quality of life of young children, impacting them over the course of their lives. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) affect the likelihood of a child having access to appropriate care specified by the Bright Futures. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of SDOH on the completion of vision screening and the rate of follow-up with an eye care provider when applicable. In addition, rates of instrument-based vision screening and recommended ophthalmology follow-up were compared with COI, a metric assessing the quality of resources available and the conditions that matter for the healthy development of children. Using two clinics with disparate populations (Locust Pediatrics and ACH Pediatrics Green), we collected data including language, ethnicity, race, and COI using retrospective chart review and analyzed using t-tests and logistic regression. Locust Pediatrics was found to serve a more demographically diverse population, but there wasn’t a statistically significant difference in the likelihood of having a vision screening. Patients at Locust Pediatrics were more likely to be referred to an ophthalmologist than Green patients. Race, ethnicity, and state-normed COI were not found to negatively affect rates of vision screening, but English-speaking patients were found to be less likely to receive a vision-screening than non-English speaking patients. No factors were associated with incomplete ophthalmology visits. Therefore, one can reasonably conclude that the Akron Children’s Hospital network currently has effective strategies in place to mitigate disparities in access to vision screening and follow-up.

Research Sponsor

Brian Bagatto

First Reader

E. Eugenie Hartmann

Second Reader

Christen Seher

Honors Faculty Advisor

Brian Bagatto

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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