
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:33:46


Criminology and Criminal Justice

Honors Course

CRJU:498- Honors Research in Criminal Justice

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


The role of judicial officials to release independent decisions remains a vital component to the very existence of the judicial branch. However, due to disagreement over various individual court’s interpretation of their respective state constitution, numerous state legislatures have begun to introduce bills that significantly weaken state judiciaries. Many of these bills have statutes that lower the burden for judicial impeachment, remove jurisdiction over subject matter, change the election system for judicial officials, reduce the resources of the court, and introduce politics into seemingly non-partisan matters. Influenced by the passage of bills that weaponize state legislatures against the courts, this study attempts to discover the reasoning for these bills, the political motivations of the lawmakers that construct these bills, and the correlation between partisanship and the likelihood a legislature proposes bills with the potential to weaken the judiciary.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Licate

First Reader

Dr. Yuhas

Second Reader

Dr. Marcin

Honors Faculty Advisor

Dr. Licate

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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