
College of Engineering and Polymer Science

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:25:58


Mechanical Engineering

Honors Course

MECE 461-012

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


My group given the task of designing a system to remove the slag of large metal plates. Removing this slag is an important step in creating the final assembly of a model. Currently we the operators are flipping the plates using a large magnet and crane. The issue that we see with the current method is the risk of injury while having the plate suspended in the air. These plates can reach upwards of 600lbs and poses a serious threat to the operators if the magnet is not secured correctly. Our new system for removing the slag is designed to minimize risk of injury and speed up the process, thus increasing efficiency. We will employ the design criteria from classes in the mechanical engineering curriculum as well as run a finite element analysis on our chosen design to test it under the maximum load cases.

Research Sponsor

David Peters

First Reader

David Jordan

Second Reader

Gopal Nadkarni

Honors Faculty Advisor

Dane Quinn

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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