
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:22:28



Honors Course

COMM 485

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


Grace House Akron is a non-profit organization that provides housing and care to people on hospice who are homeless, living in indignant conditions, or do not have an able and/or willing caregiver. Over the course of Grace House’s first year in operation, they have worked alongside over 200 volunteers. Now, they are seeking to expand the demographic makeup of these volunteers. The objective of this project is to create a deliverable volunteer kit that will include 4 sections: Introduction, In-House Volunteering, Out-of-House Volunteering, and Reference Materials. This kit will streamline the process of onboarding volunteers by introducing them to the organization and the roles that are available for volunteers. This will free up time and resources for Grace House to focus on other endeavors.

Research Sponsor

McKenna Vietmeier

First Reader

Dr. Rhiannon Kallis

Second Reader

Amanda Novelli

Honors Faculty Advisor

Dr. Kathleen Clark

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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