
College of Health Professions

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-03 12:59:20


Exercise Science

Honors Course

EXER 430

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


Collegiate dancers require a large range of motion throughout all joints for performance success. Previous research has shown static (STA) stretching to be most effective at improving flexibility (Chaabene et al. 2019), due to this factor, warmups for dance are primarily based on STA stretching to allow dancers to reach their maximum flexibility. Previous research has also shown that STA stretching before activity can have negative effects on an athlete’s power output, and a large amount of power is essential for dance. PURPOSE: Determine the effect of STA and dynamic (DYN) stretching on lower extremity power and flexibility in collegiate dancers. METHODS: Subjects (N=10) were recruited from The University of Akron Dance Team. Data collection involved 3 conditions with different stretching protocols. DYN warm-up, STA warm-up, or no warm-up (CON) were completed before each independent condition of data collection. Biodex testing was performed to assess individual power output of right and left knee extension and flexion and a flexibility test was performed to test hamstring flexibility. Paired t-tests were used to assess significance. Significance was set at p< 0.05. RESULTS: Significance (pCONCLUSION: There was a functional difference in lower extremity power output for all power measures, but only some to a statistically significant level. Previous research has demonstrated similar power output results in dancers following DYN vs. STA warmups where no significant difference was observed (Vlieg et al., 2019). The results contradicted previous research which resulted in a significant increase of flexibility from DYN versus STA stretching in dancers (D’Elia et al., 2023). Future research should analyze flexibility and power output in dancers after being accustomed to dynamic warmups for a longer period, should analyze a different group of athletes, and analyze results after performing warmups of equal length.

Research Sponsor

Ronald Otterstetter

First Reader

Stephanie Davis-Dieringer

Second Reader

Rachele Kappler

Honors Faculty Advisor

Stacey Buser

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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