
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-05 19:16:25



Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Fall 2022


While much time is spent theorizing about philosophical concepts and theories, little thought has been given to the philosophy and psychology of philosophy itself. I argue that philosophy (or the act of philosophizing) should be considered a form of anxiety. I will examine whether or not philosophy should be evaluated as a mental disorder as well. Finally, I will explore the ways in which one can cope with the anxiety seen in philosophizing.

Research Sponsor

John Huss

First Reader

Loch Phillips

Second Reader

Nathanial Blower

Honors Faculty Advisor

Christopher Buford

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information


signatures_final (1).pdf (271 kB)
Cover Sheet



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