IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: I.M.A.G.E (Imagine Me a Gentleman of Excellence): Uncommon Swagg, Timothy Brown, Author of Boys Won't Be Boys, Educator and Motivational Speaker

Event Title

I.M.A.G.E (Imagine Me a Gentleman of Excellence): Uncommon Swagg, Timothy Brown, Author of Boys Won't Be Boys, Educator and Motivational Speaker


Student Union 310

Type of Presentation

50 minute presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, High school parents, College parents, Other


I.M.A.G.E. Seminar will inspire and challenge young men and those who love and serve young men to aspire to a life of excellence and integrity resulting in leaving an Uncommon Legacy. Uncommon is not how most people live their lives. It’s a path to greatness that only a few will find.

Through the principles taught by Author and Educator Tim Brown, participants will identify with the path of greatness which encompasses Living Uncommon in a Common World. Tim Brown will share the foundational points of how to live as a Gentleman of Excellent and how to develop Uncommon Swagger. A young man that is confident without being arrogant, who knows who he is and is not threatened by other people; he is sure of himself, seeing no need to bend to peer pressure.

This session will challenge young men to rise above the common world around them and to change the IMAGE of African American young men. Join me for this informative and life empowering session.

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I.M.A.G.E (Imagine Me a Gentleman of Excellence): Uncommon Swagg, Timothy Brown, Author of Boys Won't Be Boys, Educator and Motivational Speaker

Student Union 310

I.M.A.G.E. Seminar will inspire and challenge young men and those who love and serve young men to aspire to a life of excellence and integrity resulting in leaving an Uncommon Legacy. Uncommon is not how most people live their lives. It’s a path to greatness that only a few will find.

Through the principles taught by Author and Educator Tim Brown, participants will identify with the path of greatness which encompasses Living Uncommon in a Common World. Tim Brown will share the foundational points of how to live as a Gentleman of Excellent and how to develop Uncommon Swagger. A young man that is confident without being arrogant, who knows who he is and is not threatened by other people; he is sure of himself, seeing no need to bend to peer pressure.

This session will challenge young men to rise above the common world around them and to change the IMAGE of African American young men. Join me for this informative and life empowering session.