IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: Boys & Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST) in Arkansas

Event Title

Boys & Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST) in Arkansas


Student Union 308

Type of Presentation

50 minute presentation

Audience Type

College students, College teachers or advisors


The purpose of this panel discussion is to highlight and discuss the various efforts and initiatives concerning boys and men of color in Little Rock, Arkansas through the Boys Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST). This panel will focus on the five institutions of higher education are included in this effort: Pulaski Technical College; Shorter College; University of Arkansas Little Rock; Arkansas Baptist College; and Philander Smith College. A representative from each institution will share reflections on each respective program and the panel will be moderated by Mr. Cory Williams from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation.

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Boys & Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST) in Arkansas

Student Union 308

The purpose of this panel discussion is to highlight and discuss the various efforts and initiatives concerning boys and men of color in Little Rock, Arkansas through the Boys Men Opportunity Success Teams (BMOST). This panel will focus on the five institutions of higher education are included in this effort: Pulaski Technical College; Shorter College; University of Arkansas Little Rock; Arkansas Baptist College; and Philander Smith College. A representative from each institution will share reflections on each respective program and the panel will be moderated by Mr. Cory Williams from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation.